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- @"GRRR" By Andrew Campbell 1994
- "Bitch!" Harvey whispered and switched off the ignition. He caught
- the wipers mid-way in their duties, cursed again, and corrected them
- with an impatient flick-twist of his right hand.
- "Bitching bitch."
- Despite the condensation on the car windows, he could still see the
- entrance to the hair salon. She was in there alright. No question
- about it. He'd been sitting here listening to the rain tampering on
- the roof for almost twenty five minutes now.
- And hell, that niggling cramp in his left foot was getting worse. He
- needed to exercise it. He needed to get out of the car and do a bit of
- on-the-spot jogging. Go for a stroll. A run, even.
- But no, he was trapped ; inside his vehicle there was merely the
- smell of an ever-grinning "Snoopy" air-freshener. Outside there was a
- a good, hard, bitching rainstorm.
- "Come on." he whispered, rubbing his forehead and leaning against the
- wheel. He moaned like a man with a severe throat infection. The rain
- kept on hitting the roof like an avalanche of pebbles.
- Snoopy's grin broadened.
- "Come on you bitch!" Harvey hissed, his eyes bulging. He slammed his
- feet down on the pedals, gripped the wheel, hard. The car rocked
- slightly. The rain just carried on pounding.
- Harvey eased down... slowly... very slowly...
- Something had happened.
- # Something was wrong.
- He turned his head toward the passenger-side window. There was a
- werewolf looking at him. Watching him. It's eyes sparkled. It's razor-
- fanged jaws fell open. Hot breath splashed against the glass.
- "Shhhhhhhhhhit!" Harvey wheezed with complete and utter shock. He
- jolted in his seat, cracked his head on the windscreen, fumbled with
- the saftey belt until his hands were cut and bleeding. He grabbed the
- handle of the door and-
- "Rrrrroooof!"
- He looked at the creature. As soon as there was eye contact between
- the two, there was a reaction on both sides : Harvey released a small
- whimper, much like that of a guinea pig, whereas the werewolf, which
- was in fact a rather large and ugly doberman, let it's drenched ears
- slap back against it's skull.
- The dog produced another low, muffled bark:
- "Rrrroooof!"
- Harvey swallowed three times as though shifting back down through the
- gears of his heart. He looked at his hands. They were swamped with
- blood. His workman shirt was plastered with coppery stains. The lethal
- seat belt was swaying back and forth, daubing crimson streaks across
- the side-window. The rain was pounding on the roof harder than ever.
- Snoopy's grin was now far, far too large.
- A spark of anger and impatience swept over Harvey. He clamped his
- teeth together and whacked the roof, imprinting reddish-brown fist-
- marks on the upholstery. With a gasp of sheer impatience, he grabbed
- the Snoopy-refresher by it's fluffy neck and tore it from the dash-
- board. The battered corpse ping-ponged around the car, then fell
- dead somewhere in the back.
- "Rrrrrooooof!" exclaimed the doberman and scratched at the window
- with one dirty, lifted paw. For the first time, Harvey gave the dog
- his full attention.
- It was a pathetic sight, rather than a frightening one. The rain had
- soaked it's fur to a rubbery black colour. It was stood up against the
- car, runny nose pressed flat to the window. It's eyes were dark, sad
- and innocent, and those paws scratched with nothing other than hungry
- desperation.
- "I'm trapped inside..." Harvey whispered softly, clenching his sticky
- fists. "And you, my ugly friend, are trapped out there."
- For a single moment he wanted to swap : he wanted to trade places
- with the animal, exchange his life with it, become a creature with
- simple objectives, a no-nonsense attitude... a being that didn't have
- to sit and suffer through endless hours whilst it's mate decided on a
- new hairstyle.
- # Yes, he wanted to be that dog.
- Only seconds later, he found himself reaching across for the handle
- to let the canine inside. His fingers took hold of the lever... then
- spidered away, slowly, reluctantly.
- "I can't." he whispered. "Fiona would kill me."
- The dog scratched at the window some more.
- "Rrrrooof!"
- That same energetic bark. That same determined call.
- "You will let me in," that bark said. "You will let me in, Mister. I
- know you will. You'll let me in and you'll take me home and you'll dry
- me up..."
- "I can't." whispered Harvey again. His fists were hurting now. There
- was blood all over the vinyl seats. Through the misty windows, the
- door of the hair salon was still closed and the street was empty. The
- rain, as always, was crackling above the car roof.
- Harvey spoke to the dog:
- "If I let you in... if I let you sit down... you promise you'll keep
- still and be quiet?"
- The dog's eyes seemed to adjust, become wider, more hopeful.
- "You'd better not bark. You'll be straight out if you bark."
- His hand reached for the door again.
- "I mean it. And I haven't got anything to for you to eat."
- Fingers encircled the lever again.
- "You want to come in, don't you? Poor doggy."
- Pressure on the lever.
- "Poor doggy."
- The door unclipped. The dog whined and sniffed at the little opening.
- "Slowly... slowly..." Harvey demanded. "Don't rush..."
- The dog managed to force itself up and into the car, nose first. With
- a snort and a growl, it shot onto the passenger seat, scrambled across
- the hand-break, and opened it's jaws, wide.
- With a stifled cry, Harvey realised what the dog actually wanted. He
- lifted his arm in the air, ready to accept the oncoming bite.
- A split-second later, the predicted vice of inhuman teeth tore into
- his left bicep. Red hot bolts of agony flashed to his brain, confusing
- it, terrifying it. He thumped, kicked and gargled, his body moved in
- delayed motion. The dog's jaws worked up and down, chewing the flesh
- from Harvey's arm.
- Pinkish rain-water exploded across the windscreen, amidst it's waves
- rode splintered boats of human skin. The car rocked violently as the
- two inhabitants fought for shelter from the rain.
- In the backseat, face mangled and twisted, the Snoopy-creature roared
- and roared with laughter. Outside in the street, the door of the hair
- salon opened.
- A wife stepped out.
- A wife with an amazing new hairstyle.